Thursday, January 23, 2014

Tie a Yellow Ribbon 'Round the Old Oak Tree Yarn Wreath

Everyone seems to making these "yarn wreaths". Looking at them, they appear top be very time consuming, so I shrugged of any notion of trying to make one for myself. I don't like making anything that takes more than a half hour or so. But my neighbor gave me a whole plastic tub of yarn - full of quite amazing colors -  and, I discovered you could buy all types of flowers ALREADY MADE at the craft store so I thought I would give this type of wreath a try. I made a couple for my sister-in-laws for Christmas...

When my daughter saw the wreaths, she commented that she wanted a "yarn wreath" too - something to honor her hubby {my son-in-law} who was about to deploy. The first thing that came to my mind was that old song "Tie a Yellow Ribbon 'Round the Old Oak Tree". So I began to craft her wreath!
Here is what you will need to make your own:
1 round form - foam or hay {hay is cheaper}
1 ream of yarn {color of your choice}
felt to make your flowers and leaves {or store bought flowers}
hot glue gun and sticks
First - wrap the yarn around your wreath form once and tie it off...then continue to wrap. Keep wrapping until the entire wreath is covered where nothing shows but the yarn. I wrapped two full rounds and that seemed to make good coverage.
Take sheets of felt and cut leaf shapes. Glue leaf shapes down to your wreath first. After you have made or chosen your flowers, you can hot glue them in place on top of the leaves to finish your wreath. Tie ribbon around the wreath so you can hang it.

I am sure that I could make the flowers myself, but who has that kind of time? Enjoy crafting!